Delta/Greely School District

Delta/Greely Homeschool

Here is a collection of links that might be helpful -

Cathy Duffy Curriculum Reviews:

Choosing curriculum for homeschooling can be a challenge!  So many options, so many choices.  Ask your homeschooling friends for suggestions, and also check out the Cathy Duffy Reviews.  She can tell you the best products on the homeschool market.

Want to help review PEAKS test items?

Go to this website for a flyer about becoming involved in the development of assessment items.

Alaska SLED

The Alaska Statewide Library Electronic Doorway (SLED) provides a variety of information and resources for residents of Alaska

Alaska Performance Scholarship

High school students can earn dollars to help pay for post-secondary education.  A combination of high school GPA and scores on ACT/SAT will determine eligibility.  The award must be used at participating Alaska institutions.  Please contact Holly or the DHS counselor for more information regarding eligibility.

UA Scholars Program

The UA Scholars Award is a program that covers eligible expenses such as undergraduate tuition, fees, room, board, books and other educational costs for attendance at the University of Alaska in any of its campuses. Visit this website now to find out about the award and to apply.

Homeschooling in Alaska

This site has gathered helpful resources and ideas including state laws into one convenient location.

Homeschool Legal Defense

This site has a number of resources for parents who want to know what their state law says about homeschooling.  There is access to consultants and advice on schooling your child through high school.

Learning Differences:

Look at these infographics when you are thinking about the dyslexia group of differences and how your child learns.

Dyscalcula Infographic Dysgraphia InfographicDyspraxia Infographic Dyslexia Infographic




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